Sasha’s work environment was full of fresh, out-of college employees so there were many happy hours to attend. One day when the crew went out for happy hour, one of Sasha’s co-workers, Kyle, invited his roommate, Pat, to tag along. It was Pat’s birthday so they allowed him to join. Pat and Sasha only spoke briefly. Will they meet again? (Spoiler alert this is an engagement post.)
About a month later, Kyle and Sasha went to a live show. Again, Pat tagged along with a few friends and all were having fun, mingling, and listening to the live music. This time, Pat and Sasha spoke for a longer time. They even went as far as getting some food from the food truck together. But that was the end of the night as Pat’s friends pulled up and said it was time to go home. Pat said, “good-bye. Keep in touch!” But there was one problem – there was never a phone number exchange! Ah! Will they meet again?
I’m not sure if they met again but Pat did manage to get Sasha’s number through their mutual friend (Kyle). Just kidding about not being sure; we obviously know they did meet again but not until a few months later! Pat never called. Pat, what’s going on here? I think Pat was waiting for the perfect moment because after their 3rd meeting, they were inseparable!
Pat eventually proposed on a cold, wintery night in December, at their favorite Italian restaurant. Pat played it off by asking her if she wanted to go on a double date with their mutual friend, Kyle and his fiancé. Sasha thought it was strange that he chose their very special restaurant because they usually go there alone but she went with it anyways. That Thursday, right before their date, Pat let Sasha know that Kyle and his fiancé wouldn’t be going. No big deal.
Sasha met Pat at the restaurant that was oddly empty. Pat was likely nervous and a bit on the quiet side so he broke the silence by ordering appetizers – something they never do. When the appetizers arrived, he confessed that he did not keep his promise to not buy gifts this Christmas. He placed a small box on the table. Her reaction, because she just lost her favorite earrings was, “what is that? Earring?” Pat, with a surprised face said, “you really think there are earrings in there?”
She went pale, he went down on one knee, and the waiter took pictures as it happened!
Pat abruptly got up and pulled Sasha to exit the restaurant as she yells, “but we didn’t even order dinner!” He took her to a place around the corner. As they walked in, Pat looked around and Sasha saw what he was looking for – their closest friends and family from out of state. Cue the tears!
“Best night ever!”
Pat and Sasha decided to have their engagement session at the Millbrook Vineyard and Winery. They have endless rows of different grapes, beautiful views, wine tasting, tours, and so much more. Millbrook Vineyards and Winery even hosts weddings!

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