They grew up in different worlds–Tyler in Pennsylvania and Alex in Bahrain and the Philippines. Their paths crossed when they lived in the same dorm while attending Drexel University. They would eventually share many classes as they had the same major. Ultimately, it was their friends that brought them together. They had the same circle of friends and, therefore, began to hang out together.
It was a long 2 years of being strictly friends. Both, were too scared to flirt with the other in fear of ruining the friendship. Both thought that they were not each other’s “type”. They even went on a double date with their respective partners at the time.
During their junior year, after a long week of burdening classes, their circle of friends all got together for a night of drinking and chillin’. Get your mind out of the gutter–nothing crazy happened! When the night ended, Tyler and Alex hugged good-bye. It lasted longer than the standard good-bye hug. They sank into each other’s embrace and that sneaky liquid courage kicked in! Alas they fell into their first kiss!! Alex states, “it happened very organically, naturally, and mutually… We have been inseparable ever since!”
Tyler new he liked Alex more than a friend when they walked around campus one day, simply talking and laughing uncontrollably. Because of this friendship that they built, because of not sweeping their crazies under the rug, they were able to get to know each other genuinely. They did not fall into lust with the well-put-together person that was being presented. They fell in love with who they really were – the no-makeup, hair-not-done, baggy-sweatsuit-wearing version. This 2 year friendship created a deep and emotional bond which was the foundation for their relationship.

I asked Alex and Tyler to share their engagement story. Alex responded:
“We used to go to a near by park and always passed by these willow trees there. I would always tell him how awesome it would be to have a picnic right under the trees. I have never had a picnic in my life and this spot was magical so I would say that every time we would walk through the park. Cut to right after our 9 year anniversary of dating, we moved into the apartment building right next to the park. One Friday night, I get home from work and he’s like, “let’s go to the gym”. He had just gotten out the shower (so I had no idea anything was up) and he was like “it’s such a nice day, lets walk to the gym”. Lucky for us, if you cut right across the park you get to our local gym. I had my gym clothes on, and one headphone in my ear, and I was about to cut across the grass and he was like, “let’s go the long way on the path”. We start walking and I see a rose poking out from under the tree. I initially thought that it was a memorial for someone that had died. I pointed out, “there’s a rose sticking out” and he was like, “OH yeah?!” He brought me over and got down on one knee and proposed. I balled my eyes out. He had a picnic basket, blanket, all my favorite snacks, champagne, and THE MOST GORGEOUS ring! We ended up not going to the gym that day. Instead we went out to the bars to celebrate–just us two. On the way back home, the teenage kids from our neighborhood that frequent the park, must’ve seen Tyler hiding the picnic basket under the tree before I got home from work and said, “Congratulations!”, as I had raccoon eyes from my mascara. Haha! It was the most perfect way he could’ve proposed to me. He later told me that he had that picnic basket in his truck, behind the passenger seat (the seat I always sit in) for MONTHS, and I had no clue!”

Such a beautiful story and amazing photos! True love. Congratulations to you both.
They were truly meant to be together!
Where in Conshohocken were these photos taken? My husband and I are looking for places to take photos and this looks beautiful!
It’s a beautiful park! This was Sutcliffe Park.