If you live in the northern United States, most likely, you have photographed or will photograph in the cold. Quite a few brides and grooms just can’t keep away from the frosty air. The thought of sweating in the a long thick wedding gown or in a 3 piece suit, in the smoldering sun, just doesn’t tickle their fancy. We, artists and creatives, find it too hard to resist the winter wonderland beauty that snow creates! Whatever the case may be, there are times we have to get down and frosted in the cold!
Winter is just about over but the bitter cold keeps sneaking back! Here are a few tips on how to stay warm during those winter weddings and winter photo sessions.
Tip 1: Hand and feet warmers!
This one is a life saver for any photography session or wedding! Throw some hand warmers into your coat or pants pockets. When you are not holding your camera to your face, slip your cold hands into your warm pockets! What about your feet? Stick on the insole foot warmers or toe warmers onto your socks and they’ll automatically warm up your feet. Keep some extra in your camera bag for your clients!
Tip 2: Layers!
Great for any cold session or wedding day. Put on that thermal or wicking undershirt. Your normal clothing, and a thick sweater or fleece. Sweaters are great for any occasion; they can be dressed up or dressed down. What about your legs? Thermal or wicking underpants adds some extra warmth. Females can take advantage of thick stockings or leggings under your dress or pants. Men, if you decide to wear stockings, that’s fine too. I am not one to judge.
Tip 3: Bundle up! Obvious, right?
It’s much easier to bundle up for an engagement session or any outdoor winter session. With the fast pace of a wedding day, it is not always possible to put on everything necessary to stay warm outside.
If you are able to, grab more than just your coat. Put on your winter hat, scarf, and gloves. The gloves may not last long. You may find it difficult to maneuver your camera with gloves on but that’s when the hand warmers can come in handy.
Tip 4: Fleece blanket!
Probably not possible during a wedding day. May not be possible for a photo shoot but when there is a few minutes of downtime or your photographing one person at a time, your clients or models will surely appreciate the few minutes of being wrapped up in a cozy warm blanket.
Bonus tip for grateful clients and better photos: Bring some tissues! The cold may cause some runny noses. I’m sure you or your clients don’t want to see that in their photos.
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